Life & relationship coaching that works.


I’m here to listen.

Get the support you need—even if you’ve tried it all before.

Eze Sanchez
Eze Sanchez

I’ll help you craft a life/relationship that meets your needs—and we’ll do it on your terms.

Because I’m not here to tell you how to live your life.

I’m here to help you create the life you want.


“I feel extremely safe to be vulnerable with Eze”

“Anthony and I needed to understand each other, but we weren't great at it when we needed it most. I feel extremely safe to be vulnerable with Eze and I love that he helps me see what needs are underneath our anger or pain. He’s just brilliant at getting a family or couple to understand each other's perspectives and that's helped us build our relationship so much deeper.”

- Haley Jackson

“I’ve made larger strides in a few hours than in months of pondering.”

“I highly recommend Eze, he‘s an excellent coach who will listen and help you get to the root of the obstacles that stop you from reaching your goals. The time I’ve been seeing him has been eye-opening and I’ve made larger strides in a few hours than in months of pondering. Instead of giving you a solution, Eze guides you through what he hears from you and allows the answers to come from yourself – truly that is the definition of a coach’s work. 6 out of 5 stars for this man.

- Juan Suarez

There are a LOT of opinions out there on how to achieve your personal and relationship goals.

(And even on what your goals “should” be.)

This is exactly why you need a coach who will listen—so you can get clear about what will make you happy and on the best path to get you there.

Because if you don’t know what you need in order to be fulfilled, it’s going to be really – really – hard to get it.

But don’t worry—that’s what I’m here for.

Eze Sanchez hugging mother


Whether you’re an individual or a couple and no matter where you are on your journey we start with empathy.

Empathy helps you connect with your needs, which serve as the roadmap for everything we do in our coaching together.



I don’t have a “model” that you have to fit into. I believe every human is unique and that the most effective coaching is cocreated between us.

This means the dialogues, goals, and every part of the journey can be adjusted to suit your needs.


I do what I do because I love helping people. And you deserve the very best support you can get.

It’s my personal mission to deliver top-notch coaching, which means I’m not just “open” to your feedback – I’m eager to know how I can serve you better.

level UP your life or relationship with EASE—my 3-step process for growth:

Empathy Action-planning Shift & Expansion


Eze Sanchez playing card game with family


We start with EMPATHY

“People almost never change without first feeling understood.”
-Douglas Stone

Receiving empathy – being understood – is the foundation of all change, healing, and growth. It allows you to understand yourself – and each other – as well as your needs.

Being conscious of your needs opens the doors to new ways of doing things that lead to more enjoyable results!

Notebook with laptop and latte


We move to ACTION-planning

“Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal.” – Cornelius Fichtner

Once you’re ready – and I do mean once you’re ready – we’ll craft goals that meet you where you’re at. That might be big goals, small goals, or very small goals and break them down into easy steps.

We’ll also explore the challenges that could get in your way upfront so you’re prepared when they come knocking.

Eze Sanchez meditating



“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” - Abraham Maslow

While we work together you’ll get to know yourself – and each other in the case of couples – more deeply. These insights will shift your perspective on your life – and relationship.

You’ll also experience expansion: tangible growth in meaningful areas of your life and relationship, leading to a happier you!

Life & Relationship Coach, Communication Trainer.


I’m passionate about resolving internal & interpersonal conflict through compassion.

When I was 20 I was extremely restless inside. I didn’t love myself, I didn’t know what I wanted in life, and I didn’t feel connected to the people closest to me. I spent 3 years soul-searching—visiting Shamans in Central & South America, attending a variety of retreats and racking up hundreds of hours in personal growth experiences.

In the end, what changed everything for me was the shift from trying to heal myself to trying to hear myselfempathy. Now I’m passionate about helping others like you navigate their internal struggles and relationship conflicts with the power of compassionate communication.

Eze Sanchez


Eze Sanchez speaking to sister


Just show up to our calls as you are and share what’s on your heart & mind—I do the rest.

I help you get in touch with what really matters to you, what’s in the way, and together, we overcome the obstacles.

"I'm getting more tangible results with Eze than with all of the counselors I had worked with in the past."

- Amber Swal


Communication that Connects is my signature program for helping you experience more compassion – and more connectionwith yourself & others by learning the art of communication.

"I got more out of these weeks together than I did in a 6-month program that was many multiple times the financial investment."

- Melissa Melrose

“I don’t know where I’d be without Eze. He’s helped me so much. I feel very supported, like he has my back.”


Ready to find simple shifts that will boost your connection?

Grab your free copy of “Say This NOT That: The Connection Cheat Sheet”

A step-by-step roadmap to help you find words that work in creating connection. Distilled from my signature program Communication that Connects.